Our secret to you is this one: everything can be hacked! Do not believe those who pretend that your passwords are safe because they are encrypted. There are so many ways to reverse-encrypt, and also even lists of predefined reversed encrypted passwords circulating on the dark web. No, to really protect secrets, we have to be smarter!
Would you like to keep some secrets really secret?
This is not just about keeping passwords safe. There is so much more to keep safe from hackers. For example, if you have a Crypto account, you may have noticed that when you opened it, the supplier offered you to keep 12 memorable words of their choice, so that you can get back access to your account if you happened to lose the private key to it (which will frankly likely happen frequently if you project yourself over the next 20+ years).
Let's focus for a moment on the case for protecting your cryto account. Here are your options:
Have you found how to keet your secret? Great, because now it gets worse!
If this secret is not for being ever shared with anybody else no matter what, all good. But maybe at some point you want someone to know about it, or to inherit it, or to have access to it if something happens to you. How will you do this?
As you can see, keeping a secret is no small business, but then sharing securely the secret, or even better, the access to the secret, is an even greater task with greater risks of leaks.
Authenly is keeping all your secrets really secret by combining online security (cloud), mobile security (your device) and offline security (hidden at the location of your choice). At the same time, Authenly allows you to assign the right to decode a secret to a person of choice that you trust. This person will not have access to your secret yet, but is only allowed to decode your secret when she has sight over it.
Have questions? We’ve got answers. If you can’t find what you are looking for, feel free to get in touch.
No. Authenly helps you generate un-hackable secrets via the Authenly mobile app, but once you close the popup showing the encrypted QR code, it is gone for ever. We do not store the secret QR code on our cloud, we do not keep it on your mobile device, we do not send it anywhere online. We only generate it and it is then for you to save it offline, and/or print it.
To help you remember all secrets that you created, Authenly only keeps some metadata about it. This is made of very basic information: the type of secret (2FA backup, text, list of words, keys, etc...), the date and time when it was generated, and the secret's title. You can delete the metadata from the Authenly app, and that will automatically delete it from our cloud. At this point, all your synchronised devices will have no reminder about this secret having been created.
No. When you delete a secret's metadata, your secret still exists (so long as you have kept a copy of the un-hackable QR code) and you will still be able to scan the QR code to reveal the decoded secret. When you scan the unhackable QR code, if the metadata was deleted, a new metadata will be recreated, containing both the type and date / time of creation of this secret, as this information is contained in the QR code. The title will however not be regenerated, and you are free to edit the new generic title to a more meaningful one. You can also choose to delete such metadata once more.
To assign a secret, you need the metadata to exist. Therefore, if you have deleted a secret's metadata and would like to share it now, then scan the QR code secret once to recreate the metadata, and then you can start assigning it.
You can assign a secret to anybody who has a registered identity with Authenly. You need to assign the secret to their email identity (generaly, this is the first email they used to register with Authenly). If you enter an email address which does not belong to a known Authenly user, you will not be able to progress in the assignment process.
At any time, you can revoke the assignment. Remember that assigning a secret does not deliver the secret to your assignee, it only delivers the right to scan the un-hackable QR code to reveal its secret. Therefore, unassigning the secret does just the opposite, it removes the right to scan and decode the secret. As soon as you revoke the assignment, the ex-assignee will have lost the ability to decode your secret.
2FA backups are a special case. By default, they are for you to move the 2FA TOTP from device to device, so long as each device has the Authenly app registered with your same unique identity. Or in the case that you have uninstalled Authenly from your device, these backups are essential to get back the various 2FA - TOTPs on your device after a re-install of the Authenly App. Remember that the 2FAs - both original keys and backups - are never stored on the Authenly cloud, that is why the scan of the backup QR codes is the only way to re-install them on a mobile device. Assigning a 2FA to another Authenly user (say an admin in your company) will allow this person to get the same 6 digit passcodes that you would get yourself from within the app, when scanning your un-hackable secret (your 2FA backup). However, since this is not their 2FA, the scanning of the QR 2FA backup will not install the 2FA-TOTP on their device.